
There’s only 1 week to go! Are you ready?
With only one week to go until Queensland Mental Health Week (QMHW) we want to thank all our supporters for their role in helping raise awareness of mental health and taking action to support community wellbeing. This year it is more important than ever to take time for our mental health and to look out for those we know and love.
QMHW is a time when people are prompted to find out more about mental health and seek help for problems they may be facing. Our Event Starter Kit includes some tips that you might find useful if someone approaches you for help at your event, and an important reminder to know the boundaries of your team before the event begins. The Kit also links to the COVID Safe Checklist (which has been updated here to incorporate mask requirements for High-risk impacted areas).
To help everyone have a good time and stay safe, businesses, organisations and community groups that want to hold events and activities during QMHW must ensure they comply with the requirements of the Chief Health Officer Public Health Directions and the COVID Safe Events Framework – this means operating under a COVID Safe Event Checklist, approved COVID Safe Event Plan or Approved Industry Plan.
More information on COVID-19 restrictions in Queensland is below.
Here are a few other quick reminders:
- There are a range of free resources available for download from the QMHW website,
including an editable poster and social media sharables. - There is a #QMHWTakeTime Social Media Challenge and a mindfulness colouring-in competition currently occuring that you or your event attendees may like to enter.
- We encourage all QMHW event organisers to carefully consider how they discuss mental illness and utilise the Mindframe guidelines at to ensure safe and inclusive language is used. - We’d love for you to tag us on social media and show us what you’re up to this #QMHW.
We know you’ll be busy getting your event organised, but we hope you can ‘take time’ for your own mental health! Remember, we all have mental health, and wellbeing is for everyone.
Return to State 2 restrictions
In response to a growing number of COVID-19 cases in the community, the Queensland Government have updated their advice in relation to COVID-19 restrictions. From 4pm AEST 30 September 2021, the following Local Government Areas have been classified as high-risk impacted areas and returned to Stage 2 restrictions:
- Brisbane City Council;
- Gold Coast City Council;
- Logan City Council;
- Moreton Bay Regional Council;
- Townsville City Council (including Magnetic Island); and
- Palm Island Aboriginal Shire Council.
Anyone who has been in or resides in the same household as a person who has been in the above Local Government Areas will be subject to the same Stage 2 restrictions.
Further information
You can find COVID-19 health advice on the Queensland Government website, including the current status in Queensland and how to protect yourself and others. It’s important that we all:
- 🙌 Wash hands often;
- 📏 Practise social distancing;
- 📱Check in at venues;
- 😷 Wear a facemask;
- 🏥 Get tested if sick; and
- 💪 Get vaccinated.
If you are seeking clarification on a Public Health Direction or have any questions, please call 134 COVID (134 268).
The Department of Health has a variety of COVID-19 Resources including fact sheets, videos, signage and posters with detailed information to guide businesses and organisations in helping reduce the spread of COVID-19.
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