
New grant round responds to mental health needs of young Queenslanders
With a new school term starting today (19 April), organisations supporting young Queenslanders are being urged to apply for a new grant round supporting youth mental health.
Individual grants of $500 or $1000 are available to eligible organisations to help them facilitate Queensland Mental Health Week events and activities targeted to young people aged 21 and under.
The funding is part of the Queensland Mental Health Week Community Events Grant Program, an initiative funded by the Queensland Mental Health Commission and administered by CheckUP.
Queensland Mental Health Commissioner Ivan Frkovic said strengthening the mental health and wellbeing of young people could prevent and reduce the impact of mental illness, problematic alcohol and other drug use, and suicide.
“We know that almost half of all lifetime mental health problems start before a child is 14 years old,” Mr Frkovic said.*
“As a community, we need to support young people’s mental health and wellbeing, so they can achieve their potential, particularly following the disruption COVID-19 caused to their lives.”
“These grants will provide young people with opportunities to connect with peers while undertaking positive wellbeing activities, and share critical information about where, how, and why it is important to access mental health services and support.”
CheckUP CEO Ann Maree Liddy said the introduction of the new grant round follows a significant increase in school engagement with Queensland Mental Health Week over the past couple of years.
“We know that mental health is the number one health issue facing young people,” Ms Liddy said.
“By providing funding directly to school P&Cs, P&Fs and grassroots organisations working with young people, we hope to support community-led responses, tailored to local needs, and in turn, help improve the mental health and wellbeing of young Queenslanders.”
Queensland Mental Health Week will be held from 8-16 October, encompassing World Mental Health Day on 10 October, with the theme ‘Awareness, Belonging, Connection’.
Grant applications for the Youth Grant Round close on Friday 12 May. More information, including the grant guidelines, is available at
Young Australians needing support can access free services through Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800), their local headspace or online through eheadspace. For 24/7 crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14, or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. In an emergency, call 000.
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*Statistics: Beyond Blue
Media enquiries:
QMHC, Kate Southwell,, 0409 275 385
CheckUP, Lisa Maynard,, 07 3105 8308
Safe media reporting
Visit the Mindframe website at for advice on how to support safe media reporting, portrayal and communication about suicide, mental ill-health, and problematic alcohol and other drug use.
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