
Landmarks light up to raise mental health awareness
Queensland’s most iconic landmarks will shine bright this week to raise awareness of mental health!
To help raise awareness local councils, stadiums and organisations will be lighting up buildings for Queensland Mental Health Week in purple and/or green – the official colours of the annual awareness initiative.
Here are some of the places set to light up:
10 OCTOBER – The Story Bridge, Victoria Bridge, Reddacliff Place sculptures, and the Tropical Display Dome at the Brisbane Botanic Gardens will light up purple and green
10 OCTOBER – Suncorp Stadium will light up green
10 OCTOBER – Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre will light up its building exterior green
8-13 OCTOBER – Brisbane City Hall and King George Square will be lit up green
10-13 OCTOBER – Logan’s iconic water towers will light up in purple and green thanks to support from the Logan City Council
8 – 14 OCTOBER – Rockhampton’s Heritage Façade Lighting will be lit up purple and green from 5pm-10pm thanks to support from Rockhampton Regional Council
8-16 OCTOBER – The Diggers Entertainment Centre in Hughenden will light up in purple and green thanks to support from Flinders Shire Council
8-16 OCTOBER – The variable street lighting in McDowall Street, Roma will be lit up purple and green thanks to Maranoa Regional CounciL
8-16 OCTOBER – The Longreach Water Tower will be lit up purple and green thanks to Longreach Regional Council
8-16 OCTOBER – The Normanton Sign, Karuma Sign, and the Krys The Croc statue will be lit up, alternating between purple and green, thanks to Carpentaria Shire Council
10 – 14 OCTOBER; 16 OCTOBER – Various locations across Townsville will be lit up purple and green from October 10-14 and October 16 thanks to support from Townsville City Council. Locations that will be lit up are: The Townsville Sign, Victoria Bridge, Wharton Reef Lighthouse, George Roberts Bridge, Old Magistrates Court House, Flinders Square, Little Fletcher Bridge, and The Central Park Boardwalk.
10-17 OCTOBER – Bundaberg’s Fig Tree Lights will be lit up purple and green thanks to support from Bundaberg Regional Council.
15-30 OCTOBER – Places in Livingstone Shire will light up purple, including The Singing Ship, Yeppoon Amphitheatre, Keppel Sands foreshore and Wreck Point lookout thanks to support from Livingstone Shire Council.
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